
Natalie's 2 Week Checkup

Byron's been out of town all week on business so my Mom and Dad came back down to help me out. Thursday was Natalie's 2 week checkup. We didn't actually meet her Dr. but Dr. Flowers was interesting to say the least :) Everything looks great. She had gained about 1.5 lbs.
2 weeks old - 8lbs 11oz

Since we have two golden retrievers, Heather made a onsies that said "It was the Dog" Camo pants compliments of Uncle Nate :)

And she has been spoiling us by sleeping almost 5 hours straight at night and napping like a champ through the day. (Knocking on wood)
3 weeks old


One Week Old

Natalie's a whole week old today. Byron and I decided to get out like normal people and have lunch. Natalie slept most of the time. Then we took her to my office to show her off.
Ready for lunch.

1 week old

Trying to eat the bear Uncle Rusty sent her all the way from Alaska.


Natalie's First Bath

She didn't seem to mind it very much. She was very patient with the both of us. Byron did a great job with her too. Maybe this will become his job.

All warm and cozy afterwards.


Going Home

After two nights of sleeping on hospital beds and pull-outs we were both ready to get home and sleep (as much as you can with a newborn) in our own bed. Our parents stayed through the weekend. Here are a few pictures of Natalie's first few days at home.

All set to go home.

Her sexy pose.

Uncle Nate

Barkley keeping a close eye on this new little person.

Bogey still doesn't realize he's not the baby anymore.

Right on Time

Well Natalie waited like a good little girl until the 14th to make her appearance.

We showed up at the hospital around 5:30 that morning. Around 8am the Dr came in to break my water and they immediately started me on Pitocin. I was around 2cm and all the way effaced. They couldn't get a good read on Natalie's heartbeat so they put an internal monitor on her head and I was forced to bed rest from then on.

Around noon or so I had already had a shot of stadol that made me loopy. I was talking Byron's head off :) I got the shakes real bad and finally asked for my epidural.

It was worth every penny. I could finally relax, sit up in the bed and not feel a thing. Byron kept looking at the monitor and asking "you didn't you feel that" :) I was so relaxed that they had to stop the Pitocin twice because I was progressing to fast.

I starting pushing around 2pm. Those were the longest 10 second counts of my life! And Natalie came out a wailing around 2:50.

Byron was a champ. He didn't know who to help after Natalie was born. He kept going back and forth from her station to my bed.

Natalie Grace Bryant
Born 1/14/09 • 2:52pm
7lbs 4oz • 20.5inches

Our first family photo

Daddy giving her the first bottle.


Happy Holidays...Let the countdown begin.

We spent this Thanksgiving up in Wisconsin visiting with Heather, Jason and Kaitlyn. This was our first time meeting Kaitlyn. She was so good natured and had a head full of hair. We even got Byron to hold her. We almost got stuck there due to snow in Chicago, but luckily we got out and into New Orleans just in time.

Kaitlyn Grace - 1 month old

I think she liked him :)

It actually snowed a few inches here. So it kinda felt like Christmas
(for MS at least).

Barkley loved the snow!

Bogey...not so much.

We had our last sonogram on the 23rd and everything looked GREAT!

We drove home for Christmas, which wasn't the most pleasant experience being 36 weeks pregnant. But I was determined to spend Christmas at home in KY.

And now we are just waiting. Bags are pretty much packed. The Dr has decided to induce a week early which is fine by me, so my parents can be here. And you know me, I'm a planner, not much on surprises :)

So the big day is set for Jan. 14 unless she decides to come early!