
Memorial Weekend

Well Nat has spent the past week with my parents (Grammie & Big Daddy) and boy have we missed her. Byron and I were bored out of our minds. Don't get me wrong, we enjoyed being able to sleep uninterrupted, but the evenings were way to quiet.

According to Mom she spent most of the week outside, playing with Nate's new puppy, Troubadour. She was a little unsure of him. He's all puppy and still likes to nip and jump at you, which Nat is not use to. But she didn't mind playing in his water or filling his dog bowl with rocks.

Grammie's little helper.

This is the best shot I could get of the little stinker.

She tried to talk Uncle Nate & Lynnley into taking her to Oklahoma to the Brooks & Dunn concert but it was a no go :) He would have been a nervous wreck the whole trip. He's super protective of her, it's really kinda cute.

We couldn't wait to see the little munchkin come Friday. She was outside waiting for us when we pulled in the drive. I don't know who she was more excited to see, us or the dogs.

Saturday we drove up to where Danny, Theresa, Karla and Mike were camping. I had hoped to get there in time to go out on the boat, but Natalie (the champion napper) had other plans. We made it in time to watch the cornhole tourney and have dinner. Oh and Amber, Phil and I made the mistake of taking the kiddos to the beach right before dark. Well, this little water bug was up to her waste before I could get her clothes off. So she's officially had her first swim in KY Lake.

Up at the campsite.

Sunday we had lunch and visited with Nan, Granddaddy, Amy & Mike. Then we headed off to Vann and Sue's for a fish fry. We were suppose to go out in their new golf cart but we ran out of time. It's hard, even though she was in all week, to see everybody when we come home, but I think we managed to see everyone who was home.

**Now here's a note to all of you with little ones. Leaving your kid with their grandparents has pros and cons. Natalie was spoiled rotten all week, as to be expected, but she needed a few days to adjust to us not catering to her every need..LOL Byron even threatened to say that she could only stay a few days at a time because she was such a pill come Tuesday :) But that's what grandparents are suppose to do, right?


Meg & Tim's Wedding

The ceremony and reception was beautiful. The wedding took place outside just before sunset. I missed most of it trying to keep Natalie entertained, but Meg looked gorgeous.

Natalie and Kaitlyn stole the show during the reception with their dancing. We all wished we had brought a video camera instead. But here's a few pics. Jason took quite a few and I'll add them as I get them.

Natalie with her mouth stuffed with pineapple.

She gives the best hugs when she wants to. I just love it!

Daddy's girls.

Time to hit the dance floor.

Cooling off over the air vent.

Kaitlyn trying to pick up an older man, the ring bearer, Jay.

The whole gang.

The week was such a blast. It was a different kind of vacation with a little one involved, but fun nonetheless. Thanks to Sue for keeping up with two demanding little girls all week. You're a Saint. You deserve another week off just to recuperate :)


Last Day at the Beach

One last time to play in the water and for Byron to play to golf. I myself laid out most of the morning while Natalie napped. We took Nat back to beach after Byron returned from golfing. Jason got the kite out to fly with the girls. Natalie dug sand piles with PaPaw for awhile.

We came back and ordered pizza since Vann and Sue had to go to the rehearsal dinner. Just a relaxing day and nice way to end our week before the wedding.

I promise I'm not trying to drown her, I just couldn't get my timing right.

PaPaw burying her feet in the sand.

Our first family vacation :)


Natalie the Horse Whisperer

Sorry if all these beach pictures are starting to look the same. It's a little blurry for me too. But honestly all the child wanted to do was jump in the waves or dig in the sand.

Back on the beach again. Byron didn't golf today so he came out with us. We didn't put a swim suit on her because we thought we might just take a walk and pick up shells...WRONG. Girl was soaked from head to toe and had a super soggy diaper by the time we got home.

Byron was much better at helping Natalie jump the waves.

We did breakaway this afternoon for a carriage ride through downtown Charleston. It was amazing to see the houses literally sharing walls and then just outside the city these 14,000 sq. ft. mansions and to hear all the history the city has to offer. Next time I hope Byron and I can spend a little more time just walking around and taking it all in.

They also had a petting zoo for the girls to play in while we waited our turn. Natalie took right to the horses. If Granddaddy had been there she might have even ridden one :) but they had to settle for a few pats and kisses instead.

No shoes Natalie. The child doesn't care much for shoes. Good thing her feet aren't sensitive.

Checking out the goats inside the big red barn.

This is just before the goat tried to eat Byron's shirt.

Petting the horse like a pro. She didn't hesitate one bit.

Getting a little sugar.

Sue did teach the girls to play "Ring around the Rosie"


Trip Continued

The girls are starting to really get along and play well together. They still both want in Nana's lap at the same time, but I don't know if that will ever change :)

Natalie's mornings so far have consisted of getting up, eating breakfast and going on a walk with Nana and PaPaw. It gives Byron a chance to sleep in a little before he heads out to the golf course and me time to read a book or layout, which I haven't done in who knows how long.

Jason, Heather, Matthew and I went on a little Kayak adventure. Matthew was nice enough to be my partner since there was no way in hell I could ever get Byron away from the golf course to do it with me :) It was nice. We saw a lot of birds, a horseshoe crab and got a little history of Charleston.

Once home we ventured back out to the beach with the girls. Heather got them started "jumping" waves. It's hard on my back but man they love it!

Marching out to the water with Nana.

Running from the waves. They just ran in circles and circles from them.

Armed with her bucket and ready to go.

Heather counting down until the next wave and Natalie just about to lose her britches.


Pool Time

Thank goodness our house had a pool out back. I'm not much of a beach person, especially when your 16 month old wants to jump in the ocean whether you are holding on to her or not. At least in the pool I can keep her contained.

Before we got in we had to head downtown and find some floats for the girls. Everything at the house was for older kids. So we loaded the girls in the Red Wagon and set off 6 (never-ending) blocks to the nearest store. After finding small enough floaties (they never really used), bribing them with slushes to ride in the wagon, and Natalie losing a shoe, that took Heather and I forever to find, we finally got to enjoy the pool.

Natalie resting outside one of the shops.

Finally in the pool. She followed this little purple flower around wherever the wind blew it.

I'm not for sure, but I'm willing to bet that these two are watching Sue. They were both attached to her hip all week long.

And this is where Nat slept. Our room had a sitting room with a daybed in it. So we pulled the trundle out for Natalie. We tried to stuff the opening with pillows but she did manage to slide down in there one morning. Other than that she slept really well, despite having a cold and runny nose.