
A Little Hint of Spring

Saturday we were teased with hints of Spring all day. We woke up and took Bogey for a walk without a coat, hat or even extra layers. The sun was out in full force and if Natalie was awake, she was outside. We literally left the back door open and let her and dogs come and go as they please.

That being said, I should know better when more than 5 minutes goes by and I don't hear "momma". I walk outside to find this...and no my dogs didn't create that mess...Nat did.

In her defense she did try to help me clean it up.

Only to keep going back and digging some more. I don't know what her obbession with dirt is but it started early on. She says a lot of things are "eww, gross" but dirt doesn't fall into that category.
Jan '11 .............................................................................. July '10

This I like to call her "I got a fist full of dirt and I'm not afraid to use it" face.

This was how the morning was spent. Dig a little, sweep a little and maybe do a little pruning in her hideaway spot in the bushes.

After a nice long nap and lunch we were back outside for round 2. This time she focused her attention on dogs.


Posing for Mommy

I got off early Friday and Natalie and I made the most of a beautiful afternoon. I got the whole yard scooped and she "mowed". Then we sat on the back porch and discussed how her day was (and I still don't understand 90% of it). I got out the video camera to see if I could catch her doing anything funny but instead she wanted to pose while I took her picture. I'd strike a pose and then she'd mimic me. So here's a few shots from our very unprofessional photo shot...


Dippin' Fool

Byron and I decided to have a "date" at home Saturday and Fondue. We almost always buy bread at the Fresh Market to dip in olive oil as an appetizer while he is cooking. Come to find out Nat loves it too. She'll only eat the inside but I'm pretty sure she ate half the loaf. We literally had to put it up until after she went to bed.

And with that being said she supposedly weighs 24lbs. I don't believe it, nobody does really. We were thinking maybe 23 on a good day (wet diaper, full belly, etc.). I mean she still wears a size 3 diaper. She's 36.25 inches tall so I guess it's all just stretched out on her frame. The Dr. was pleased with her talking, motor skills and all that good stuff. Told us to keep up the good work and she'd see us next year.


Monkey See, Monkey Do

Natalie's officially 2! What a better way to celebrate our monkey turning two than with a pink mod monkey party? Honestly though Natalie doesn't have a favorite character, yet, so I took advantage of it and did what I wanted to. Since we have called Nat our little monkey since before she was born, this was perfect.

A friend of mines mother made the cake. It was absolutely PERFECT! It not only looked amazing but tasted great too. Everything else just fell into place.

First we had to open presents. Again it was painful to sit through as each tiny little piece was ripped off one by one. Even Kaitlyn tried to help but one quick frown from Nat and she chose to just sit and watch.

When it came time for cake it was a totally different experience from last year. Last year she was covered in it and could barely blow the candle out. This year, all she wanted to do was blow the candle out numerous times and she even tried to share her cake with Brady and Kaitlyn.

Asking Brady for a spoon.

Digging in so danty like with her spoon. You should she the video of her licking her ice cream a few minutes later, total opposite of what's shown here.

"Open wide"

The big hit of the day was the lego table from Grammie. Nat refused to open any more gifts after that. Once again she racked up with clothes, puzzles, books, money, and a ton of other toys that I know have to find room for :)


Guess Who's 2?

Hard to believe this munchkin is already turning 2 (going on 16 I might add). She's grown and changed so much and is now a little person instead of a baby. I don't have any stats yet, her appointment to she how skinny she is isn't until next Wednesday.

These last two years have been a blast, we are about ready to switch to a big girl bed and start potty training. You are such a blessing to the both of us, we really can't even remember what life was like before you (just that we got to sleep in more).

Love you bunches, Nat!

We are actually driving back to KY for Nat's birthday party but Byron and I wanted to do a little something at home for her first. I brought home a cookie cake for after dinner last night. The little stinker found it though before dinner was even done and kept whining about it. She was ready to eat a raw hamburger if she could have just one little piece. But she waited it out, we sang and she blew out her candle about 3 times to be exact, it was her favorite part.

Really all she wanted to do was lick the icing off it. Which was fine by me, I don't really care for the icing on those cookies. Check out the dogs waiting patiently for any little crumb that might drop.

After the cookie she jumped in the bath and while Byron got the dreaded task of washing her hair (something she hates again), I set up her easel and a couple of other gifts we got her.

She came and out and was so surprised!

She played with the easel for the rest of the night. She loves to line up the magnetic letters into her own little arrangement. The lady bug was a bit hit too. I see it as another stuffed animal she'll be sleeping with.