
T-ball Was a Bust

Well t-ball may have not been our best idea. I think we both agree that maybe 3 is a little to young if Saturday is any indication of how the rest of the "season" is going to go. Let me just say in the kids defense, it was hotter than Hades at 2:15 and thank God the rest of the games are played in the morning. If not, I might have to claim I'm to pregnant for this mess and be done with it, and I'd also like to apologize for the pasty white legs I'm rocking. I honestly had no idea they were THAT bad..LOL

And to Nat's credit our first t-ball practice was pretty bad too but ended better and better each time after that. She was even excited to go see Riley & Emily, the only other girls on the team. So I'm still holding out hope that the games will follow the same route.

I got the privileged of playing with Nat this time while Byron took pictures. Not that he didn't volunteer, she was just in a I only want my Momma kind of mood, and we don't mess with those.

Warming up before the big game.

And then the fun begins, we try and bat. Nat wasn't having anything to do with that helmet. Therefore, we didn't bat. The on deck circle is as far as we got. I mean the thing slide all over the place and she couldn't even see but rules are rules, back to the dugout we go.
Fielding was better, but like I said it was HOT and the uniforms did not help the matter. Our team dropped like flies after the first inning. One boy's parents just took him home, we had to go get a popsicle, some just played in the dirt, but their 3 right?


First Drink of Spring

Don't worry I'm not referring to myself. I'm on hold until mid-July :)

What began as an evening of watering our newly planted flowers and shrubs in the island quickly turned into a complete water soaking. She started with a sweet "Momma I just wash my hands?" Then it was her feet and then it was "Momma I water the flowers?" It ended with me chasing her around the yard with the hose and soaked to the bone. I guess that's one of the perks of living in Mississippi where it's still in the mid-70s at 6pm, she LOVED every minute of it!


Girls Afternoon Out

Byron had a dinner last night with a client so Nat and I had our own little date at a new park that she loves to go to. It was a little windy but overcast which made it almost perfect.

Ready to roll after school.
And proof of a good day in the eyes of a child: dirty (like we're talking BLACK) feet. These pictures don't do it justice, but let's just say she was a tad worried in the tub when it took more than one scrubbing to get the dirt off. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard her yell "Momma it not coming off!" and I realize she's referring to her feet.


Almost 24 Weeks

I know my blogging has been slacking but I'm in full decorating mode (some call it nesting) on littlest B's bedroom. No she doesn't have a name yet. We have a top 3 but none of them have won us over just yet. This time around I really wanted to refrain from to much pink. I said the same thing with Nat and, well, she ended up with light pink wallpaper (which I love) and a dark pink room.

Baby B's room is already painted an aqua color that is so calming and I just love it. So I'm going to work around that. Not only are reusing all of Nat's baby furniture and our glider, I've also salvaged some of her sheets, changing pad covers and bed skirt.

Here's an idea of where we are going with the room: Lots of pink and other colorful fabrics that really pop off the wall color. I've refinished a nightstand shown in the middle, it just needs a second coat. Other things are inspirations I've found off Pinterest. White frames from Michaels, Hamper from drugstore.com, Touch lamp (must for late night feedings) from Wally World. Now the bottom 3 items are things I hope to make at some point, so no the baby's name is not Lilly.

And also for your amusement, here's a shot of me today, at almost 24 weeks.


Oh The Things She'll Say

I just wanted to "write" these down before I forget them. I'm sure you all will get some joy out of them too. Byron and I have definitely had our laughs over the things that come out of Nat's mouth as of lately.

1) I ask ever so often what she wants to name her baby sister, this week it's peanut butter. 

2) She's starting to understand there's a baby in mommy's belly as much as 3 year old can, especially since I'm barely showing. The other night my stomach growled and she told me it was a monster. She also thinks I can just pull her out through my belly button... if ONLY it were that easy.

3) She comes rushing into the bathroom as I'm getting ready and tells me she has to have that baby in my belly RIGHT NOW! I'm ask her why and she just gives me this irritated look and says "Momma it's nap time and I need that baby to play nap with me."  I try hard not to laugh at her but what do you say to that? She doesn't have much concept of time and I knew if I told her not until we set off fireworks she'd be begging me to shoot off smoke bombs everyday until July. 

Oh how I just love my silly little goofball :) I can't help but wonder what personality the next little Bryant will have :)


Marking a FEW Things Off the To-Do List

I can finally say the photo wall is finished. At least until the little one makes her debut. I'd still like to paint that red frame brown but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out.

This canvas finally got painted the other day and is just waiting for Byron to hang it over the headboard. It's huge and makes a bold statement but I really like. It's a 48x48 canvas I stuck painters tape on and spray painted over. It doesn't get much easier than that folks!
Natalie finally finished her art project from the fall too :) Remember this from back in October?

Well it has been finished and has replaced her baby pictures in her room.