What a neat place to spend the day! Nat's school took a field trip to the museum Friday and every kid had to have a parent attend with them. Now I'd be lying if I said I was less than enthused but boy am I glad we went. First off, I don't think we even saw or played on a third of what was on display, this place is huge! I've already told Byron we need to go ahead and purchase a membership. It'd be perfect for those rainy or too hot to breath type days.
Some of Nat's favorite exhibits...diggin' up dino bones and cooking me lunch in a state-of-the-art kids kitchen
Next up, my kind of fishing, no worms!
On the upper level Nat helped the big kids build a house. The larger tiles were a little wide for her to pick up and velcro into place so she stuck to stacking bricks. Something her little OCD self loved. They were perfectly spaced and even until some obnoxious boy kicked them. Nat just gave him an evil look and moved on. Luckily she has more of her Daddy's personality than mine :)
Then she met up with her buddies, Anna Claire and Cannon, to drive in the car. Let me just say it now, if these 3 stay in the same school for the next upteen years, all of us are in trouble. They are like 3 peas in a pod and have TROUBLE written all over their faces.

Flash forward 13 years
Milking a cow and themselves. It squirted water and it didn't take them long to realize they could get each other wet. And finally what day isn't complete without a trip, or 10, down a curvy slide?