
Long Time, No Post

I wish I could say we had been on some fun-filled vacation (maybe next week depending on the hurricane season) but no. This is what has been occupying my time or maybe I should say my arms. My happy little Harper has been in some kind of funk this week making it nearly impossible for me to do anything other than try and console her. The Doctor thinks maybe reflux but I'm hoping it's just a phase or else I may have to overnight her to Kentucky...LOL

So what have we been up too? Well Nat had her first dance class Monday night and she was horrible. The teacher literally had to pick her up kicking and screaming, put her in the classroom and shut the door. I think she was fine once they started, at least I didn't hear anything that would suggest otherwise. We will give it a few more tries before we decide to drop it.

Today was circus day at school. Nat dressed as an acrobat in case you couldn't tell. The tutu was as close as we could get to a costume and she didn't care. She loves to prance around in this thing and of course, it's pink, so we went with it. We had to add a special touch too with a little eye makeup (Nat did it herself).

This is the first photo I was able to snap of Harper smiling last week (6 weeks). I'd say Natalie and Mulligan make her smile the most. She could listen to Natalie talk all day long and she thinks it's pretty funny when Mully licks her feet (so gross).


Road Trip with the Girls

Yes some may call me crazy for taking my 3 year old and 1 month old on a trip home but I have two road warriors on my hands, and I sure hope it stays that way! We made it to KY, which usually take 6 hours, in just under 7 last weekend. We only had to make one stop about half way for lunch, potty breaks and to just stretch our legs. Harper slept the whole time and Nat has always traveled well so she was no problem.

I didn't take a single picture (shame on me). Luckily Karla snapped plenty for the both of us of the girls at the Picnic. It was nice to be home to visit with everyone. They of course had to love all over Harper and Natalie.

Here's (some) of the great-grand-kids cheering on Karly who ran the 5K this year.

And if Harper wasn't eating she was chilling in her favorite spot...a fold out lawn chair with box fan blowing on her. I kid you not. We tried to put her in the camper that had A/C but she was much more content outside where the action was. 


Look What I Made

My very own diaper bag! It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. That doesn't mean I didn't have a few blonde moments of sewing the wrong sides together but I managed. Now lets see how much stuff I can cram into it and how long it last :)

And look who is almost 4 weeks old and holding her head up. She's been doing this almost since we brought her home when she's on my shoulder so I decided to give tummy time a try. Nat always hated laying on her tummy but I think Harper may like it.

And then she was done...