
Memorial Weekend

We ventured home to spend some time with the family. We hadn't been home since Easter and we hadn't see Heather, Jason and the girls since Thanksgiving. The weather was beautiful, we ate WAY to much food, Byron got to golf everyday and Natalie & I even snuck in a (very cold) swim!

Loading up and waiting on Byron. I come out to this, Natalie just thought it was hysterical.
Popsicles were a must.

The Bryant men grilled a ton of meat. This only shows the 20 something chicken but there were ribs, sausage, bologna and bbq.

After filling our bellies and may rounds of cornhole and washers, we had a little firework show and Natalie wanted to go home with Grammie.

The next morning we had a little picnic under the shade tree and Jason snapped some pictures with his new camera.

The next time Natalie had a Popsicle at Grammie's, Harper was determined not to be left out. We stripped her down and let her go to town on it.

We decided to leave late Monday, right around Harper's bedtime. That gave all day to swim and play in April's new pool. To say it was cold would be an understatement but Karly was a good sport and got in with Natalie. She swam her little heart out all over that pool and was worn plum out before I could even get the car loaded.
Harper did alot better on the car ride home with it being so late. She slept all but maybe the first hour and had no problems curling up in her bed when we got home.

But nothing beats being back in your own bed and playing in your own room!


Boot Scootin' Boogie

Today was Natalie's Cowboy/girl day. All week I've been working on a little outfit for her (yes I'm that Mom) and Big Big & Grammie sent her some boots to complete the look. 

She was strutin' her stuff this morning walking into the school, and with good reason. Look how cute she is! 

Our modern day Ellie Mae...LOL
Her hair was even long enough for braided pigtails.

Some of Nat's class - Ella Rose, Gage, Anna Claire 


A Week of First

This is just for my records...Harper got her first shiner and pop knot this week. Not to bad considering Natalie was 8 months old. Also for the record, it was NOT my fault. She lost her balance and tumbled into her play table and hit her cube on the way down. She didn't even cry that much.

In yummier news, she got her hands on her first piece of corn-on-the-cob last night. She had already eaten half the fridge for dinner, so it was more of a way to keep her quiet, but I think she liked it.  Nat sure did. Hers was gone before pictures could be taken :)

You can just barely make out a bruise under her left eye, above her right eye and a sliver of bruise in the center of her forehead.


Fun in the Sun

Well, almost. It was H-O-T this weekend so Saturday afternoon, after naps, we drug out the pool. All three of us put on our suits and jumped right in. WOAH! The water was C-O-L-D! Harper would only sit on my legs and splash her feet. Nat, being the old pro, didn't seem to mind one bit.

Eventually we had to divide and conquer because Harper was a "fuss-bucket". She has also gained the nickname (from Byron) PITA. If you don't know the acronym, you should google it. A round of Roseola and about 8 teeth trying to pop in has made her almost intolerable :) 


I Took the Plunge

I got a smartphone :) I guess you could call it my Mother's Day present. It's a Windows phone and bright yellow, so far I really like it and it takes awesome pictures, which is the most important feature to me. 

So photos I've taken with my new phone and recap of the last few weeks...  Harper and I visit at least once, probably more like twice a week. 

Not only did I get a new phone but Byron also brought me (us) home a case of the new Sam Adams from Sams. Of course Nat claimed the box before it even hit the ground.

Another quick trip to the store, this time Kroger. I promise we don't live there.
By far the most memorable thing that happened this week was Natalie and I catching a turtle. We caught it the day Byron played in a golf tournament. We kept for about a day since Nat & Kaylee didn't have much time to play with him Tuesday night. They named him Freddie. I'm about 80% sure he was NOT a snapping turtle, but we finally set him free in the pond on hole #10. And even though Byron and his team didn't win anything at the tourney we did enjoy ourselves some BWW afterwards.


The Aurelia Top & Skirt

I tested out a pattern for a new designer I've "met" through some online boards, Ginger Dimples. This is her first ever drafted pattern that she is releasing. You get a top (tunic length), skirt and sash in the package.

Now I'll be honest. This (at least the skirt part) is not practical for a child who is not walking, but I think Natalie would look adorable in it.


10 Months Old

I can't believe in two months Harper will be one. I also can't believe how much she's changed in just the three weeks since my (late) nine month post. Crawling is no longer an issue, neither is pulling up. She's just starting to cruise around things but not very well. However, I did catch her pushing her play table around the living room the other day. Sitting back down from standing is probably the next obstacle. She gets a little fussy when you realize you're stuck and need some help.

Byron and I were also discussing how much her eating has changed. I can remember when we first tried baby food and she would make these god awful faces and choking sounds. He probably thinks I started giving Harper table food too soon as well, but she loved it. Nowadays, it's table food all the way. I guess I'll donate her baby food to Nat's school before it goes to waste :)  She's even taken an interest in the baby spoons/forks and I know she has to learn somehow, but the mess....oh.my.goodness!

She loves when Nat's friends come over and play. I'm pretty sure she thinks of Kaylee as another sister (I mean she is over here everyday). And they do their best to include her in everything they do.

Last night was her first time to take a bath without the ring. Lately she had been wiggling around in it or bending over the front of it to the point of tipping it over. She did pretty well. Of course once she realized she could stand up, we got out.

She's jabbering more. Regulars are "dada & momma".  I'm also hear something that sounds like "dog, dog" and 'Nat, Nat" or at least we pretend. It makes Nat feel special.

Speaking of Nat, I can only imagine the things she is going to teach you in the years to come. First lesson, how to accessorize :)


The Crib is Lowered

I did all by myself while Byron was gone last week. I didn't trust Harper in there any longer during naptime.

I don't know who loves it more, Natalie or Harper. Natalie can now climb into it by herself my using the mattress as leverage but hasn't worked up the nerve to jump out. Harper will sit in there for 15-20 mins after she wakes and play with her book or toy I've left in there.

And course the two of them together could probably stay in there all day, or at least until one got hungry.

Nat's "dusting" the headboard with a baby wipe.


Pattern Testing

I've been fortunate to be chosen to test quite a few patterns lately for various pattern makers. I love doing it because I usually learn a new skill that I was afraid to try or find out what my machine can REALLY do! Plus I get to keep the pattern for free to add to my stash.

Anyways, most of these are on Facebook but then I realize there are a few people out there (Mom and Nan) who don't get to see my work or the pictures of the girls in the outfit.

First is Harper, modeling her Design by Moo's Olive Dress (it has pockets too) and Bubble Skirt. Nat loved the bubble skirt so I'll be making her one very soon. She gets a little jealous when I make Harper stuff :)

This was taken just a few days ago, you can see she's getting much better at standing and pulling up.

I also made a little denim bolero for Harper from Ladybug Bend.


And not be left out, I just finished up a new dress for Natalie from Popolok and a pair of wide-leg capris from CKC, but those looked more like culottes  I've learned with Natalie that if possible I need to make a 3T width with about a 5/6 length.