
Grandparents' Day

Big Big & Grammie might have just won the award for the most miles traveled for Grandparents' Day this year. But it was Nat's first Grandparents's Day and they just couldn't miss it :)

Harper was her usual self. Hard to keep still, just wanted down little stinker. She LOVES all the attention the teachers give her. They may be singing a different tune when she starts school there.

They 2-4 year old kids sang 3 songs for the grandparents. It was super cute. Stay tuned for a video of their last song. Nat has been singing it all week and it's just precious.

A few after pictures before we left. Nat was so happy to have them both there.

Typical Harper, but a cute nonetheless.
 Nat's new BFF, Kirsten.
And I actually remembered to get one of all us! We gotta work on Harper's picture taking skills.


Proof of My Disappearance

On top of making multiples of ruffle pants, tops, leggings, game day dresses and Christmas outfits, I am still testing for my favorite company.

First up, an attempt at a Christmas themed dress for Harper. Holy sleeves batman! It's a "hippie" inspired dress in case you can't tell. Hopefully it will fit better in a few months. It's a 12-18m with plenty of room to grow.
A little more appropriate for this time of year is a little swing top with a bunch of options for the straps. This is so vibrant in person. This picture just doesn't do it justice, nor does my uncooperative model.

By FAR my FAVORITE dress to date is this little number. I have a feeling it's just the photo that I really love but it makes me smile every time I look at it. I love that thrill of mixing up fabrics and not quite knowing if the final outcome will work.

And her newest little doll set.


In the Zone

I'm sorry. I know I haven't posted in ages but time has slipped away from me and I'm in a mad dash to finish up items to sell at my craft fair that is less than a month away!

Sue even came down and stayed a whole week to help me out, thank goodness.

So this is a photo recap for all of you. And don't be surprised if I don't post again until after Oct 5 :) Although Natalie does have her grandparents program on Thursday. I'll do my best to get those posted before Halloween.

The girls got their bean bags for the playroom right before Labor Day. They are big hit, thanks Big Big & Grammie!

 Harper loves the iPad, so much so, we had to put a pass code on it.

The "big" girls wanted to paint a few weekends ago and we decided to let Harper give it a try. Ummm yeah, she tried to eat it. I guess we wait a few more month before we try again. The girls enjoyed watching the mess unfold though.

And the fun is over.

Harper spends her days either wrestling the boys, shopping with mommy or playing in the awesome new playroom.

Sue did come down and stay but it wasn't all work. We did manage to sneak in a trip to park.
 We are getting closer to walking too! She gets about half way across a room and either looses her balance or gives up and starts crawling. I believe she's fully capable, just being stubborn.

And one more, just for giggles.