
4 Inches Gone

Natalie said she was tired of her hair getting stuck in her coat so she got 4 inches cut off today. I almost cried. Even the hairdresser was shocked when Nat showed her how much she wanted gone. She pointed to about her chin but momma intervened. She's in a wedding in June and we need to have some to pull back :)


Silly Sister

Natalie not only picked out her outfit Sunday afternoon, but apparently Harper's too. I don't even know what else to say.



Harper has discovered the wonder and excitement of bubbles! She can even say the word. Natalie spent the first part of the week at home with what we think is pink eye, Harper had it two days later. But that hasn't stopped us from enjoy every ounce of this amazing weather.


Slushy Girls

Anytime we are remotely close to a Target Natalie insist on getting a slushy. When Byron got his hair cut yesterday, right next door, we just HAD to make a stop. Harper has officially been introduced to the world of slushies! She liked it (of course). She'd take a few sips, put it down, and say "it's cold", but had no problem guzzling it down.


One Proud Momma

We've had gorgeous weather here all weekend. So nice in fact that we took the girls and their bikes to the park. Now y'all should know by now that Nat is flip-flop kinda gal, but we made her wear tennis shoes this day since she wanted to ride her bike. 

She insisted on tying her shoes before we left. This isn't something we have ever really practiced yet, mainly because Nat's worn boots all winter. Well, 10 minute later, she surprised us all by tying them herself! I don't know who was more proud, Byron and I or Natalie. She did the other as well so I don't think it was a fluke. They aren't super tight, but it's a start!  


My Sweet Valentine

Natalie has tried to keep this a secret all week but Wednesday when she came home with a blue foot she just had to spill the beans. At first she only told Byron, so they both taunted me with "the secret" but she finally caved before bed. We like to tease she gets her secret keeping abilities from Nana :)

And this afternoon I was presented with this precious Valentine.


Holy Candy Batman!

Good lord when Grammie and Big Big said they stuffed a box full of candy for the girls for Valentines they weren't joking! They girls faces were priceless when they opened that box. Even Harper squealed and I'm not even sure she fully understood what all was in it...lol


V-Day Prep

Valentines Day kinda sneaked up on us this year. But have no fear, a trip to the dollar store and Michaels....and voila! Problem solved!

Stickers have become my new best friend. Nat loves them, can practically do them by herself and they are super easy. She had to meticulously write out each name and hers (12 times). That did take FOREVER for my little perfectionist. We took a break after that. Her attention span was shot and Harper was still awake.

Finally to the fun part. We made pixie stick flowers.

Then we had to decorate a box. Some felt cutouts, stickers, crayons and garland (and an hour past bedtime) we were finally done. 


The MOST Fun

Natalie went to a bowling birthday party Saturday and while she had a great time bowling and visiting with old friends, this was is what she said her favorite part was. 

On our way out we saw two girls in the photo booth and Nat begged to do her own. She talked about it the whole way home. "That was so fun and cool Mom!" "I can't wait to show Daddy." "I think I'm going to hang it on my wall, or mail it to Grammie." 

Sometimes it really is just the little things...