
All Caught Up

I think this should catch everyone up. Next week school starts so I expect lots of pictures (and tears) for that special occasion. I'm trying not to think too much about it. 

These two goofballs have their favorites.  I have a feeling when we get Harper a big girl bed Mulligan will have a new snuggle buddy.

Harper's teachers just love playing with her hair evidently. It's NEVER the same in the afternoon as I fixed it that morning. I have no idea how they get her to be so still. I do good to get a quick half pony done before I hear "ow mommy" "stop mommy" or just a plain "NO".

Payback Time

We spent my birthday driving home. Everyone was ready to be home after 10 days away from our own beds, the dogs and Daddy! But we couldn't go without celebrating a little and Natalie decided (for me) that I really wanted Mexican for birthday dinner.

She has waited 6.LONG.MONTHS. to have them put whip cream on my face. She couldn't wait for us to finish eating...lol

Girl loves her some cherries & whip cream.

Harper Turns 2!

My baby is no more. She's a stubborn, sweet, goofy, ornery toddler. I don't know what to say about her. She's completely opposite of Natalie. She's received more thumps on her butt than Nat has in her 5 years alive so far. She's totally a momma's girl, which I love and hate all in the same hour. She speaks way better than Natalie did at this age and comprehends everything. Her expressions are hilarious. I don't want to say she has a mean streak but she's an aggravating little thing. Knows exactly how to push her sisters buttons. Her two favorite people on the planet are her Big Big and PaPaw. She was 34 inches tall and 25lbs at her well visit. She still has a big ol' noggin, measuring off the charts..lol  (I blame on the hair, you can't even tell it's been cut).

She'll eat just about anything in front of her, except bananas. She's starting to recognize her colors. Purple and orange are the ones she knows the best. She can kinda count to 10 with help, 7 is her fav number. She loves her some Mully and Bog Bog. She's getting closer to potty training. Favorite toys are probably her Elmo, baby stroller, any purse, lego blocks and puzzles.

We had a couple of parties while at home. One with Byron's side and one at Granny's. But I left my SD card in the bag so my pics are limited :(

The girls had so much fun together.

We stopped by Nan's too for gifts and to visit again before the 4th of July parade.

Parade Time! The girls racked up on candy, hotdogs and chips.


July Has Come & Gone

Before Big Big completely disowns me for my lack of blogging let's recap July. We survived the wedding (barely) and celebrated little miss turning 2 and me turning 30--something.

So from the beginning of our week in KY: 
We had breakfast with Nan, Amy & Ang the morning before the wedding.
Then the wedding festivities began around 2. Harper WOULD NOT leave my side. I ended up having to hide in the back of the KC Hall during pictures and before wedding. She bolted down the aisle when she saw me, no shoes or headband. Natalie was perfect (of course). 

Most of these are from Karla's phone. No pro pics yet.

Natalie totally photobombed Karla's family pic..lol

Tequila tasting :)

Nat and Jack solving all the world problems.