Goodness I can't believe it's almost been two weeks since my last post. Sorry about that. But honestly we haven't been up to much except trying to survive this second round of teeth coming in. We've been playing outside more now that weather is cooperating. We tried to take Nat to the park but she still isn't a fan of the swings. She's just too little to really fit in it by herself.
Mom and Dad came down this past weekend. We needed some relief and a date night and they were in desperate need of a Natalie fix :) I don't know who was more tired when they left Monday, but they wore Nat out all weekend. She pretty much lived outside all day, learning to step out the back door and off the patio. After all that fresh air she literally passed out in Mom's lap Saturday night and Byron's on Sunday.
But now it's back to reality. She was pretty mad when they left yesterday morning. She screamed at the garage door, literally, until we took her in her room where she instantly crashed probably before Mom and Dad got out of the subdivision. Thanks for a great weekend!
Here are some random pictures from the last week or so.
This was Dad's attempt to get a picture of Mom and Nat.
After a trip to the dog's water bowl.
This is something new she enjoys doing. Taking a piece (or the whole roll) of toilet paper and tearing into the tiniest pieces imaginable.
Love the pjs!!
Thanks! My mom bought like 3 sets back before Christmas.
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