
15 Months

At 15 months Nat weighed in at 20.6lbs and was almost 33inches tall. She's managed to get her first ear infection this week, but other than that the Dr was pleased with how she was developing. She still only says about 3 words (Bog, Hi and Dad) on a regular basis but she comprehends what we ask and say to her. Her motor skills are excellent. I swear the child is trying to jump, flat footed, off the floor. She's getting better at using utensils, climbs like a monkey and babbles non-stop.

Looking all grown up in her little dress in front of her own little chair.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm at hospital with Granddaddy.. showing him Natalie's pictures and he just loves them. Keep them coming. She is precious!
Love to all...Amy