This is how the afternoon played out:
She just dove right in, jeans and all. And as if that wasn't good enough the child who fought me just a few months back when washing her hair (and still fusses) dunked her head.
Then we had to throw it all over the back porch before attempting to give Bogey a quick bath.
Just to stay in my good graces she did try to water some of my mums.
And this one is for Byron, who say she needs to learn how to spit. I think she's got it covered. That's some pretty good distance for 20 month old.
Who could say no to such a cutie when just a simple bucket of water can cause this much excitement and joy?
Who says a country girl can't spit. Absolutely love it!!! I have another shirt to send her, I'll get it in the mail sometime this week. It's in preparation for UK basketball season. Never too much UK attire for a girl to wear.
Love you all...
She seriously makes me laugh with that bucket!! Too cute:)
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