
Look What I Made

My very own diaper bag! It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. That doesn't mean I didn't have a few blonde moments of sewing the wrong sides together but I managed. Now lets see how much stuff I can cram into it and how long it last :)

And look who is almost 4 weeks old and holding her head up. She's been doing this almost since we brought her home when she's on my shoulder so I decided to give tummy time a try. Nat always hated laying on her tummy but I think Harper may like it.

And then she was done...


Flossie said...

I'm so impressed with your bag! It looks great!

Amy said...

Wish I could be at home this weekend to see Miss Harper and Natalie... and of course YOU! I miss you guys. I love that dark hair, maybe it will stay dark. Tee Hee

Lisa said...

I *love* the Amy Butler fabric! I just ordered the same print but in flannelette to make blankets. (Hard to get in Canada so I had to order in from the States)

Great diaper bag :)