
First Trip to the Hospital

Natalie woke up Saturday in a pretty good mood but by late afternoon had started to run a temperature. So we did the standard Tylenol, cold wash clothe and even a lukewarm bath. Sunday it just kept getting worse so I took her to the after hours clinic. After checking her blood and urine they thought she may have had a kidney infection and thought we should admit her.

It took about 3 different nurses to try and get her IV started before I had had enough. They finally had to call in a NICU nurse. Her white count was extremely high but after a few days of antibiotics and fluids they sent us home. All the test came back negative so I guess we'll never know exactly what it was, but she's alot better now. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and well wishes.

My sick little baby.

Bogey doesn't understand what's going on.

Finally getting some rest.

Determined to get her paci with her one good hand.

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