
Right on Time

Well Natalie waited like a good little girl until the 14th to make her appearance.

We showed up at the hospital around 5:30 that morning. Around 8am the Dr came in to break my water and they immediately started me on Pitocin. I was around 2cm and all the way effaced. They couldn't get a good read on Natalie's heartbeat so they put an internal monitor on her head and I was forced to bed rest from then on.

Around noon or so I had already had a shot of stadol that made me loopy. I was talking Byron's head off :) I got the shakes real bad and finally asked for my epidural.

It was worth every penny. I could finally relax, sit up in the bed and not feel a thing. Byron kept looking at the monitor and asking "you didn't you feel that" :) I was so relaxed that they had to stop the Pitocin twice because I was progressing to fast.

I starting pushing around 2pm. Those were the longest 10 second counts of my life! And Natalie came out a wailing around 2:50.

Byron was a champ. He didn't know who to help after Natalie was born. He kept going back and forth from her station to my bed.

Natalie Grace Bryant
Born 1/14/09 • 2:52pm
7lbs 4oz • 20.5inches

Our first family photo

Daddy giving her the first bottle.

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