
Happy Labor Day!

We've had a fun weekend with Vann & Sue. Natalie's been spoiled with two straight weekends of grandparents around (we may pay for this later). They got in Friday evening with all sorts of goodies for Natalie and fresh corn and beans for us.

Of course we had to go shopping while the boys played golf. We didn't go to the outlet malls, but had just as much looking around at Toys R Us. Natalie got a new little table that she can stand up too and play on. We got some much needed weeding done around the house, painted the shutters and trimmed up all the shrubs. Then we relaxed, watched Ole Miss and grilled out all weekend.
She can just about pull up to anything now. And this is her new "smile" face.

Her new little table.

And we found this HUGE stuffed dog at Sams. It's almost as good as Bogey.

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