
Birthday Dinner

We were all prepared to take Natalie to a Mexican restaurant Wednesday night but ribs won out. Which was fine because they have awesome pork tacos and Harper chowed down on a cheese and sausage plate.

The birthday girl and her candy bouquet from Grammie & Big Big. It was dropped off at school and boy was she proud.
Little sis also reaped the benefits of sister's birthday. She was sorting them for Natalie so she got the ones she liked of course! Evidently Baby Ruth's hurt her teeth (I could not make this up) and Nat got all those (like it was her decision). Turns out those are some of Natalie's favorites.

And the official birthday platter. Her eyes bugged out when she saw it. "Do I have to eat all this?" She put a pretty good dent in them and ate the rest for dinner the next night. And she doesn't leave much for Byron pick off either.
Birthday was a success. Her big party is at the end of the month. We made a bazillion cupcakes to take to school today and she's about 1/4 way through her 1100 piece lego set Nana got her.

Oh and Harper got a dozen cupcakes for her class too. Can't leave the little stinker out now can we?

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