
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

Santa was nice enough to make a pit stop in his very busy schedule to see the kiddos at Barnes & Noble tonight during the Rennaissance's Open House. I bribed Byron into going by telling him we could eat at Five Guys (best burgers in Jackson).

Afterwards we headed over to B&N, sipped some hot chocolate (which Nat spit back out because it was lukewarm) and listened to the Madison Station Children's Choir before finally getting to see the big guy in red.

Nat was very content in just playing with the train table.

Showing all the books to Daddy.

This was her "hot chocolate" aka a cup full of whip cream. She had it all over face and it was so cute. She looked up at this one little boy and gave him a big ol' grin and I think he thought she was crazy. Probably not the best way to win his heart, but I can't blame her for trying, he was very handsome...LOL

She didn't hesitate to go to Santa. She even blew him a kiss as we left which should definitely earn her a spot on the nice list.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I'm so excited! We are going to eat at Five Guys tomorrow in Ridgeland!! Of course, shopping will follow but since we have never had Five Guys... it's the highlight of our visit!

BTW - went to the MCM grand opening today. I know the little one is gonna love it! Y'all will be taking her there all the time!!