
1 Week Old

Our first week consisted of lots of sleeping and eating. She's already up to almost 3 oz (little piggy) and sleeping in about 4 hour stretches at night. Nat's been a big help and as understanding as a 3 year old can be. Thank goodness Nana was here to not only help around the house but to entertain Natalie. I'm pretty sure it rained everyday last week.

Oh and Nat did not perform at her recital on this afternoon. I don't know what got into her but she clammed up and started crying so we packed up and left.


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! Look at those cute cheeks! My daughter is a little older than Nat and did dance this year, in class she'd get shy and not want to go dance so I was sure she wouldn't do the recital but she surprised me!

Amy said...

Welcome to the world Miss Harper... I love you! Nat I love you too. You can do it girl, dance, dance, dance!

Rachel said...

She is beautiful!