
Not One but Four Teeth

Natalie has gotten 3 more teeth since I last reported her first tooth on December 16th. Which made for an interesting Christmas. She's really been trying our patience lately and I'm ready for this stage to be over and to have my Happy-Go-Lucky (sleeping through the night) baby back. We've even contemplated meeting Grammie & Big Daddy in Memphis to drop her off for a week or two :)

She's getting better though. She's had a slight cold which hasn't helped matters. But last night we had some fun in her room before bedtime and I got the camera out to see if I could get proof of these little teeth that have been causing so much grief. She has two on the bottom, and one on each side of where her middle top teeth should be. Who knows by her birthday she may have a mouth full!

She really enjoy her sippy with a straw now.
We've made it a whole day and a half with no bottles.

She loves her stuffed mini-Bogey.

She also likes to turn her touch lamp on. She's so proud of herself when she does it.

And the countdown is on.
In one week this little stinker will turn the BIG ONE!

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